The Gold Butte region is filled with amazing geologic and natural wonders as well as many cultural heritage sites. Many of these back country destinations are labeled with descriptive names that give the particular site and added sense of marvel. Devils Throat is no exception to the list of Back Country marvels found in Gold Butte.
This geologic formation was most likely created when circulating ground water eroded and displaced much of the earth deep beneath the surface. The thin crust that was left above became too week to support its own weight and gave way to create what is now known as Devils Throat. The sinkhole that was left behind is approximately 75 feet across and roughly 120 feet deep, however the bottom of the sinkhole is angled from one side to the other so it varies from one side to the other quite a bit.

Once you hit the end of the pavement at Whitney Pockets (click the link for directions to Whitney Pockets) it is another 8 miles down the rough and dusty road towards Devils Throat. Devils Throat is an amazing sight just off the main road to Gold Butte Headquarters and the graves of Art Coleman and William Garret. You will see a sign that directs you to Devils Throat and Red Bluff Springs on the right hand side (west) when coming from Whitney Pockets. There is now a fence around the sinkhole but back when Gramps was running cattle through this country this was an area to be avoided when looking for lost cows late into the deserts setting sun.
Vicinity Destinations
Whitey Pockets, Mud Wash petroglyphs, Red Bluff Springs, Keyhole Canyon,
Like Willie says it’s been rough and rocky travelin’ but the ride out to Devils Throat and the other vicinity destinations in and around Gold Butte are well worth any Back Country Ramblers time.

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